From Mary Watkins “Dark River” (Act 2, Scene 6)
Listen to “We Do Not Accept”
Music and lyrics ©2009, Mary Watkins, All Rights Reserved, BMI

In this scene, the delegates of the Mississippi Freedom Party sing about their decision to reject an offer from Vice President Hubert Humphrey. In a previous scene, Humphrey has told the delegates that he will only allow two of the Freedom Party delegates, one white and one black, to be seated with the Mississippi Delegation at the convention. Fannie insists that the whole delegation must be seated and persuades the delegates to stand together and reject Humphrey’s offer.
We do not
We do not accept
We will not
trade our self respect
Together we stand
Together we band
Fighting this fight
for freedom.
Music and lyrics ©2009, Mary Watkins, All Rights Reserved, BMI